Impressively when I got to NY I kept managing to not notice the Empire State Building( Debbie Millman's Office) and almost passed it. Honestly, I have no clue how, maybe the huge line and huge building were just too obvious... but that is neither here nor there. I was very nervous for meeting Debbie and very excited. Sean and I had passes to go to Sterling Brands and I must say, I felt special with my little pass, like I was on important official business or something of that nature( it was pretty cool).
Sterling brands took up most of the 17th floor and had a crazy queen bed -sized door that had a pole or something in the middle and rotated open and closed which was both a little intimidating and kinda awesome. I think middle schools should look into getting their vice principles doors like that, just as incentive to never be sent there.
Anyways back to my interview, actually meeting Debbie was crazy. I have seen her picture many times on the internet, but I did wonder what she would look like and how she would act in person. At first glance she was very much like the woman I have seen pictures of on the internet, serious, well dressed, ready for business. However once we got talking she was much more like the person I imagined from her writings. She was very pleasant and easy to talk to. She was very willing to share her story and opinions and also was interested in me and what I was all about. I was more than happy to talk about myself, a little too much, I started rambling on like some school girl meeting her favorite rock star, but she did not seem to mind which was nice.
So I had a little list of questions and once I can scan the image I will put it in, but for now I will just type my Qs and her As
(note these are notes, not quotes.. I typed them exactly as I wrote them, except for anything in ( ) that is stuff i remember but did not write)
Q: How did you become a partner at Sterling Brands?
A: came in 15 years ago Sr VP in Sales
promoted to prez then partner
Q: You went to school for writing how did you make the change to design?
A: (did not go to school for writing) worked on school news paper
Q: Do you like either better? How do they compliment each other?
A. (no) design has to be as good as writing & writing as good as design,( they do not "compliment" they ) work together & fully integrate
Q: When did you decide logos/branding is what you want to do?
A: more by accident( started out hired as VP in sales)
Q: Do you have any favortite interviews?
A: a few- Eric Kandle
Barbara Krugar
Malcum gladwell
Q: Why are they your favorites?
A: mind blowingly smart
Q: Any advice for interviewing people?
A: Make other person feel as comfortable as possible, go with own vibe
Q: Do you still get nervous?
A: (yes)
" Being nervous means it's important to you"
Q:Key Advice for someone to be successful in the design world?
A: Work hard, harder than everyone else, when you are done, keep going, do as much as you can and do not worry about failure
Q: Can you spot people who you think will be successful?...interns, applicants, jr designers?, what are their qualities?
A: Work ethic, ask questions, keep working till perfect, curiosity, someone who is not afraid to work hard
Q: What literature do you find inspirational?
A: Print Mag, notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, Bernard Malamud --can't remember the name of the essay she said, I really should get a recorder--
Q: At a portfolio review a woman told me I could not do advertising and work to help the community because the style and work is too different, do you agree... is there some super difference where these things will never be able to work together?
A: Don't listen( people told me I couldn't write and do design)
There was some more talking and question asking in addition to this, however that was everything I wrote down. She then offered me a copy of her new book " Look Both Ways", which I took without hesitation and she signed that as well as the copy of " How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer" which I had brought for that purpose, as well as reading on the bus. She then walked me out and gave me 2 brownies, 1 for myself and one for Sean and I was on my way (skipping down the hall). Seriously, that was probably one of those events I will always remember, it was so cool and like nothing I had ever done before. Listening to Ms. Millman was so inspirational and she really made me feel like I was on the right path to do what it is I want to do. It was wonderful meeting her and I hope we cross paths again, I will most likely apply for at least an internship if not a job at Sterling somewhere down the line : )
After my interview Sean and I went out to get dinner and wine, and check out the bottle!
ps while researching this wine I stumbled across this really cool site about brand news, for anyone into that
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